

Name Description Year Stack
Web app developed using Microsoft Azure 2020 Microsoft Azure
Platformer game made in GameMaker 2020 GML / GameMaker Language, Aseprite
Top-down roguelike bullet hell made in GameMaker 2018 GML / GameMaker Language, Aseprite


Name Description Year Stack
Mechatronic Engineering Research Thesis A & B 2020 ROS, Python, Arduino
Machine learning model to verify whether doctors are complying with hand-hygiene practices for the Innovation Dojo Hackathon 2019 Python, TensorFlow
Fibre-optic art-engineering installation for the Vivid light festival 2019 C++, Raspberry Pi
Tracks nearby rocket launches using NASA's data and notifies users 2018 HTML, CSS, ReactJS
Smartwatch for ThoughtWorks product owner 2018 HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Artificial Intelligence in Danger Response Identifying dangerous areas using AI for social media crowd-sourcing 2018 Python, TensorFlow
Pillmate Smart pillbox solution for dementia patients 2018 Python, Arduino, Raspberry Pi
VRality Virtual Reality solution for mental health 2018 C#, Unity

Student Societies

Society Role Year
Director of Marketing 2019
Director of Marketing 2019
Team Member 2019
Team Member 2018
Team Member 2017